I can't stop making cutesy songs X_x
Plus, I don't want to be this post boring, so I'll post some fanart I got lately ^^ Taiyoune Sol (Stella's genderbender, put her flag at g+17)
this one's amazing XD
HoshineStella-Daughter of Evil by ~FrancescaBandicoot on deviantART
Happy B-day Felicia-Val by ~sushi-woot on deviantART
Hoshine Stella by ~pikasaki on deviantART
(can't remember if I got more, lol ^^U)
And a video!:
Thank you very much!
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010
We are POP CANDY! + lots of stuff
Publicado por Feli en 16:09 0 comentarios
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
LOL -lots of laugh-
I love this song to bits, thanks to Yesi for the ust!
Publicado por Feli en 12:52 0 comentarios
domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010
BPM (Overseas UTAU chorus)
This has to be shared *_*
Thank you D_Artemisatto for such a great chorus with Stella in it!
Publicado por Feli en 15:31 0 comentarios
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010
【UTAU】裏表ラバーズ - Ura-omote lovers【Hoshine Stella】
Fast song is fast :O just in time for Single Awareness Day xD hope you like ^^
Publicado por Feli en 16:21 0 comentarios
sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010
Alice Human Sacrifice (Chorus)
Isn't it awesome? *__* I'm really overwhelming that people is using Stella to sing!
So this time she is singing Alice human sacrifice among with other awesome utauloids! Thank you very much Karas-san! <3
Publicado por Feli en 3:55 0 comentarios
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
magnet - Stella x Noonoru (2nd version)
Yet another b-day present! :'D omg I think i just died inside *__* is...just...perfect!!! and the ending OMG THE ENDING!!! it sounds a lot better than the old version i did, well...I was a total n00b on UTAU back then...well im still a noob a with UTAU but i was worst when I did my first Magnet XD many thanks to dear D_Artemisatto for making Stella and her love to sing together again!!!
Publicado por Feli en 15:56 0 comentarios
Las Mañanitas chorus (happy birthday to me!)
That's right :D that's my b-day! (not Stella's, do not be mistaken :) )
and my dear friend Yesi made an awesome chorus with 10 utauloids singing the mexican birthday song "Las Mañanitas"! and also dear CelestineAoi and Utaune Nami made the artwork of it ^^ im so happy :'D and they sing in spanish! also is Stella's first chorus! :D
Thank you again!
Publicado por Feli en 8:22 0 comentarios